~Our burfday~
..::Alina07 = 27.7.1988::..
..::Nani3 = 5.8.1988::..
..::Manjegurlz = 19.8.1988::..
..::Teratailayu = 21.12.1988::..

Thanks to olz OP kerana sudi meluangkn mase korang sume utk clbrte bday kite same2..
sory klu ade pape kekurangan tau!!
mlm yg xkn pnh aku lupe dgn korang sume~!!
ecehhhh!!geli seyh ayat..
Di sini..aku nk wish Happy Birthday to olz of u..
semoga korang sume hepy..sihat...sume la yg terbaik utk korang..
lurve u olz so so much....
yeahh..best kn skali skala cmni..hope dpt wt lg for next besday k..jgn lupe yek kengkwn sume
next bday kite buat kt umah lina jom....hohohohoho
Wahh....so nice....best....happy belated n happy bday...to all of u.... :)
hadiah mne?
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