ma assgment!!!

The number n is said to be perfect if the sum of its proper divisors equals n. (For instance, the number 6 is prefect since its proper divisors are 1, 2, and 3; where 1 + 2 + 3 = 6). Write a program to display all perfect numbers from 2 through 1000. The program should contain the function sumOfDiv(n) that returns the sum of the proper divisors of n.

Wargh...!!!atas tu soklan asgment yg aku n tatai n sawol yg xdpt ktorg selesaikn smpi skang...
pade sape2 yg tau wat soklan ni..sile2 la bgtau..coz esok ktorg dh kene submit..
tp ktowg xtau nk wat pape...

tu la..ktorg blaja information engineering..korang xpcy..hahahaha
ssh wo..ingat sng ke..blh pecah pale otak aku blaja mende neh..kikiki..
xfaham n x faham n sik faham..kiki...

nasib baik lect ktorg ni lect paling baik kt dunia la aku rase..huhuhu..
dea bg ktowg tukar ktorg memilih soklan nie...

The resistance of a conductor made from a homogeneous material is given by;
R = ρ . L / A
Where ρ is the resistivity of the material (in ohms per meter), L is the length of the conductor (in meters), and A is the area of a cross section (in square meters). For a bar of annealed copper,
ρ = 1.724 x 10-8 ohms/meter, L = 200 cm, and A = 0.25 cm2. Write a program to convert the length and the area to meter and square meters, respectively, and calculate the resistance of the bar. The material, the resistivity, the length, and area should be entered into text boxes. The computer should display the material and the resistance as shown in the sample run below.
[Run, enter the information into the text boxes, and press the command button]

hahaha..soklan ni pon sbnrnye aku tatau wat ktorg akan berusaha untuk mencari jawapannye!!! yargh... (hasutan setan walaupon xde setan) nk tau dr mane??
ala..rahsia r...yg penting ktorg berusaha cri jawapan..lpas kuar result sem ni..bru aku gtau mane ktorg dpt jwpn..

tp atas usaha ktorg gak tau..ingat sng ke nk usaha2 mcm nie..kikiki..
tatai..deam2 tau..jgn bgtau sape2 mane kite dpt jwpn..

tu Elina...cayok la wat soklan no 5 tu...
nk tau soklan pe yg Elina wat???
ni ha soklannye...

Some metals are easier to heat than others. The specific heat capacity of a metal can be used to calculate the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of a metal object a certain amount. If m is the mass of an object, c is the specific capacity of the metal (in Joules/grams x Kelvin) of the metal, and the initial and final temperatures are t1 and t2 respectively, then the heat, Q (in Joules), required to raise the object from t1 to t2 is given by
Q = mc(t2 – t1).
Write a program that requests the values of m, t1, and t2 and calculates the amount of heat required to raise an aluminum object (c = 0.217) of mass m from t1 to t2. Use a Sub procedure to obtain the input and a function to compute Q.

sng ke Elina???aku x tau gak..
wargh..ko dh pndi wat vb nie eyh..nti ajar2 la aku n tatai eyh..
bagos r ko..gudluck n teruskan usaha anda smpi programing anda menjadi k...

kla olz..smpi sini jek k..nk tgk elina wat asgment dea dgn sungguh sempoi smbil mlepak dgn geng2 bapoknye..kikiki...

dadai olz... wish aku n tatai n lina n Nani3 succes dlm pape pon k..huhuhu


Anonymous said...

we munggok gile..ko p promote assg. kite kat sini wat pe..klu org yg tawu wat natang ni mesti kate kite cam bodo2 alang..tapi aku pon snanye da penin pale ngn soklan ni..nasib r tade final..camne nak wat ni weh?..ko tanye r member2 ko yg tawu..aku da tanye da civil cm x leh solve gak..hahahah..mapos r cmni..kate nk dekan lagi..musnahla harapanku..

Anonymous said...

bodo2 alang??? bkn ko ke alang???
hahahaha..ko bodo eyh??kikiki..

same r..bab2 rumus ni aku bodo gak r..

kite mane ada amik addmath..tu yg xtau basic..hihihihi..

aku pon dh ty dak civil dowh..dea pon tatau.

xpela..pndi2 r kite solve kn asgment neyh..

kate lect baik..kikiki..ty r dea..

minta tlg dea la...


Anonymous said...


hancus la...

dlm mimpi jek la nk dpt dekan lg sem ni..

catalog lg..


Anonymous said...

hahaha...berusaha la korang ye wahai manje n tati also shawol..
aku nye da siap..hasil brainstorming para bapok2 uitm..haha..thanks also to lect yg paling sporting kat dunia..iaitu sir.pian kelate..karna sudi membantu wat coding visual basic

ni haa, aku nak promote aku nye coding...

Private Sub cmdCompute_Click()
Dim m, T1, T2, q, c As Single
c = 0.217
m = Val(txtMass.Text)
T1 = Val(txtT1.Text)
T2 = Val(txtT2.Text)
q = m * c * (T2 - T1)
picCompute.Print "the specific heat capacity of this metal is "; Round(q, 2); " Joules."
End Sub

best sik coding aku..alhamdulillah..trimas la sape2 jer yg membantu wat menatang ni ek..hahaha..adios..

Anonymous said...

we..skarang kn dlm klas..nape rply2 kumen siut je tanak blaja..sir cm da pandang2 kite weh..die mesti tawu kite bukak tenet..

aku alang eyh?aku alang yg pandai..hahahah..tu mak aku ckp..slalu angah yg cm bongok2 sket..lalalalal..

weh2..npe ckp dlm mimpi je dapat dekan?org len bleh je dpt..asal kite x leh lak..kate OP..

Anonymous said...


siot r..aku angah dowh..

eh??sir pian pndg eyh??

ala..markah mesti sikit sbb x tumpu dlm kelas..


pasal dekan tu..jom la kite berusaha eyh..


Anonymous said...

~~~sabo sabo mesti taw pnye..hehe

Anonymous said...

semua yang korg bg soklan ni lebey kpd fizik la aku p r buka buku fizik or add math

Anonymous said...

tul tu klia.soalan korang ni more tu fizik.agak simple snanye soklan no 2 tu.nnti aku try solvekn x dpt jgn marah r.tu tatai.manje .elina n nani.wish u ol luck of ur study k.chayok2

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